Tips for Using the 9-1-1 Service
Why was 9-1-1 created?
9-1-1 was created to save time by using three numbers easily remembered to assist in the event of the need of emergency help. The Sheriffs Office does have a non-emergency number you can use for non-emergency situations.
9-1-1 is a critical telephone number. By calling 9-1-1 without having an emergency situation, you are tying up a phone line that could easily delay someone else receiving the assistance they need.
So when should I use 9-1-1?
Using 9-1-1 is a matter of common sense, really. By quick thinking you may save your life or the life of another. If someone is breaking into your home, there is a fire, someone is seriously ill or injured, then the decision is an easy one to make and clear. If there is a domestic crisis, you witness a crime in progress, or are at the scene of an accident, again it becomes clear that these are emergency situations.
What 9-1-1 is not to be utilized for:
9-1-1 should not be utilized for general comments or questions. There should always be an EMERGENCY situation if you dial 9-1-1.
If you have a non-emergency situation or general questions, you
should call:
Cedar County Sheriffs Office: 417-276-5133