
Special Road District Commissioners

The Cedar County Commission is an elected three-member governing body with a Presiding Commissioner, Northern District Commissioner, and Southern District Commissioner.

Presiding Commissioner: Kenneth Thornton : 417.276.1150
Northern Commissioner: Ron Alumbaugh :     417.876.7838
Southern Commissioner: Ted Anderson :        417.276.9975

The three member commission supervises the Cedar County Road and Bridge Department; acts as a liaison with other commission boards and government entities; approves and adopts annual budgets for all county related operations; establishes Cedar County policy; approves expenditures for each office; and oversees compliance with statutory requirements.

If you live in a Special Road District your roads are supervised and maintained by the commissioners elected to each of those districts, not the County Commission.  A list of current Special Road District Commissioners is available by clicking the button link above.  For further information concerning Special Road Districts you may contact the Cedar County Clerk's Office at 417.276.6700 E.221.



Cedar County Commission
113 South Street
Stockton, MO 65785
Tel: 417.276.6700 Ext. 221
Fax: 417.276.3461


The Cedar County Commission meets each Monday from 9:00am to 4:00pm.

* Meetings cancelled due to holidays are usually rescheduled for Tuesday.

Meetings are open to the public and are held in the Commission Room #5 on the first floor of the Courthouse.

Commission minutes of the weekly meetings are published in the Cedar Couny Republican NewspaperEl Dorado Springs Sun News, and  The Star.

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