Cedar County Coroner
Danny Leo Green, Coroner
Joe Trussell, Deputy Coroner
What are the Duties of the County Coroner?
Deaths pertaining to:
- Homicide
- Suicide
- Accidental
- Criminal Abortions (including those self-induced)
- Unforeseen Sudden Occurrence (not seen by physician 36 hours preceding death)
- Custody Deaths (while in custody of law enforcement)
- Penal Deaths (lethal injection / legal execution)
- Child Deaths (under age of 18)
- Unusual or Suspicious Manner Deaths
- Occur in Non-licensed Health Care Facilities (hospice type)
- Occur in Licensed Health Care Facilities (nursing home/residential care)
Other Duties:
- To be Conservator of Peace (throughout his or her county)
- To Execute Process When Sheriff Disqualified (when sheriff is a party/involved)
- To Perform Duties of Sheriff When Office is Vacant (by death or otherwise)
- To Hold Coroner's Inquest/Coroner's Jury
- To Issue Warrant to Summon Coroner's Jury (coroner inquest)
- Coroner to Administer Oath to Jurors
- Coroner to Issue Subpoenas (witnesses)
- Order Postmortem Examination (autopsy)
- Certify Cause and Manner of Death (death certificate)
- Order Blood Sample Test for Alcohol & Drug Content (all motor vehicle fatalities)
- Report Toxicology results in writing to Missouri State Highway Patrol
- Procure Organ Donations (procurement of cadaver organ and tissue donation)
- Prepare a Budget for Income and Expenditures
List courtesy of the https://mcmea.org/coroner-duties/