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   Duties of the Circuit Clerk
   Local Court Rules
   Ex Parte'
   Jury Duty
   Probate Court
   Small Claims
   Court Costs Schedule

Cedar County Circuit Clerk

Sarah Turner


What are the Duties of the Circuit Clerk:

The Circuit Clerk is the "Keeper of the Records". The responsibility of
a Circuit Clerk is to receive new filings of civil lawsuits, criminal cases,
and domestic relations matters. She also assists pro se litigants and
people seeking an ex parte' order of protection. The Circuit Clerk assists
the Judges in the courtroom by recording hearings and swearing in
witnesses during a trial. She is responsible for calling in jurors to serve
on a jury trial and coordinate with the Judge and attorneys through the trial.
The Circuit Clerk has to be very versatile and versed in the law and capable
of making decisions when faced with difficult decisions. She is responsible
for collecting and paying out fees appropriately that are collected during
each month. She must have financial responsibility and able to report those
fees to the proper entity. The Circuit Clerk is the appointing authority of the
Circuit, Associate & Probate Courts.


Local Court Rules

Please follow this link to view the local court rules for the 28th Judicial Circuit which consists of Barton, Cedar, Dade, and Vernon counties.
Your Local Court Rules

Ex Parte' Order of Protection

If you need to file for an Order of Protection you need to go to the Circuit Clerk's office between the hours of 7:30 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. If you should need to file for an Order of Protection after hours or on weekends, you will need to go the Cedar County Sheriffs Department and they will determine if your situation qualifies under the criteria and will cont.act the Circuit Clerk to assist you.
Ex Parte' Court Forms

Jury Duty

There are two terms of court- January and July. The Circuit Clerk sends out approximately 500 questionnaires each term to qualify jurors. When a juror is called they will receive a summons giving them a time and date to report. At the time the juror reports for duty there will be a voir dire conducted by the attorneys of record for a particular case. After the voir dire is completed a panel of 12 will be directed to hear the evidence and return a verdict.

Probate Court

A division of the Circuit Court where wills can be filed; small estates, decedent estates and guardianships are opened. Mental health issues are also heard through the Probate Court.
Probate Court Forms

Small Claims Court

SmaH claims court forms and information can be found on Your Missouri Courts website.
Please visit Small Claims Forms.

Additional Information

Pursuant to Supreme Court Rules the following court forms are available:

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